Totally stoked to give the first workshop of the season at EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates again – one of my favourite places on Earth!
Warm welcome to all levels of yogis, from first timers to long timers to this workshop where we will dive in to the practice of centering yourself in your body.
We will do this through all the practices of yoga, which are;
- breath work / pranayama
- body work / asanas
- mind work /meditation
- knowledge & understanding work / anatomy and pyshiology connected to yoga philosophy and the science of the mind.
When you are able to centre yourself in your own body and being, it takes a really strong tropical hurricane to blow you off course. Even when you are blown off your path for a while, with these practices you can get back on track again with a lot less effort than before.
Sooooo looking forward to welcoming you on the mat at EVA`Z on Sunday October 8th!
When: Sunday 8/10 2017, 13.00 – 16.00
Where: EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede
Investment: EUR 37 :- pp, or EUR 52:- for 2 people (EUR 26:- pp when signing up for 2 😉 )
Benefits: relaxed & strong body, quite mind, stable center
Sign up / questions: / 06-46157019