All posts tagged: queens day

Yoga Workshop – Kings & Queens Edition

”Long live the Queen, Long live the King!” Well, we say ”Long live the Yogi” ;-)! And the yogi does. Due to the practice of not only what is called the ”royal poses” , but indeed the entire ”royal” practice through the breathing, meditation, movement, postures and relaxation. So, what better time of the year can we have to play around with, immerse ourselves in and learn more about the practice of these ”royals” than this time in between Kings Day and what used to be Queens Day here in royally gorgous springtime NL? Come join us Saturday April 29th , 14.30- 17.30 in Movement Studio Haarlem, to start that elongation of your life! You will have two internationally certified Vijnana Yoga teachers guiding you through our journey in a safe, professional, caring and also fun way. Cecilia (  and Dick (  have both been studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 11 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Saturday …