All posts tagged: haarlem


Banana, Date and Walnut Muffins, yum! I made these muffins yesterday for breakfast and filled up the freezer for the week to come. Yet, these are also great next to your coffee, as an office snack, before or after training, anytime actually. I have chosen to go all plantbased, but that does not mean you have to. If you go for the not plant based version just remove the plantbased milk and chia-eggs from the ingredient list below and use 3 eggs. My choice to go entirely plant based is health, animal welfare and environmentally related, all in equal portions. If you would like more information on any of this, don’t hesitate to drop me a message through email! Anyway, let’s bake some muffins! Ingredients: 2 cups of almond flour 2 tsp baking soda Pinch of sea salt 1 tbspn cinnamon 1 cup of dates, pitted and chopped 3 ripe bananas 3 chia-eggs ( 3 tbspns chiaseed +7,5 tbspns water ) 1 dl plant based milk of your choice. I used soymilk yesterday. Tomorrow might …

Vegan oven pancakes

“Just trust the process”. “Be open to everything”. Yes, this morning was one of those mornings that those two expressions made me look wider than what was in front of me and to my eyes in that moment wasn’t working. I was about to make these totally yummy almond butter bars for breakfast. I had about 30 minutes and a busy day ahead. Getting the recipe out, starting with adding the chia seeds to the water for the “chia eggs”, then switching on the oven while I was sipping my freshly made matcha oat milk latte I could hardly wait to taste these yummy bars after meditation. You see, that was the plan – let the almond butter bars bake in the oven as I was in my morning meditation. The third ingredient on the list was apple puree. And when I make these bars I always make my own homemade, sugarfree apple puree the night before. Not last night I didn’t. Crap! What am I going to do now? The whole morning starts to …

New lesson / nieuwe les – Yoga en hormonetherapie

Yoga en hormonetherapie  De tijd met hormonetherapie is vaak overweldigend. Je komt naar huis met en waslijst van potentiële bijwerkingen na je eerste bezoek bij de verpleging oncologië over die informatie van de hormonetherapie. Hun hebben daar ook goed uitgelegd dat sommige geen een bijwerking voelen, anderen heelveel en alles tussenin – je weet dus heelemaal niet wat je wel of niet mee gaat maken. Deze lessen zijn gericht op het versterken van alles wat de hormonetherapie zoude kunnen verzwakken – fysiek, mentaal een geestelijk. Er is heelveel die wij zelf kunnen doen om sterk door deze perioede te gaan en ook sterk daar uit te komen. Het enige is dat het ons vaak niet wordt verteld. Tot nu toe ;-). In deze lessen leren wij ook wat wij dagelijks zelf  t´huis kunnen doen om alles zo soepel mogelijk voor onszelf te laten lopen. Er is ook voldoende tijd en ruimte in elk les om de helende kracht van yoga te ervaren. De lessen zijn 1,5 uur. Wij werken met alle aspekten van yoga – …

New lesson / nieuwe les – Yoga tijdens en na borstkanker, in Haarlem

Yoga tijdens en na borstkanker  Deze lessen zijn gericht op de tijd die je doormaakt tijdens en na de (borst) kanker diagnose, behandeling/en en herstel. Wij leggen het focus op het hier en nu, op het voelen van wat er echt aan de hand en wat er echt  nu nodig is om je kracht en stamina te versterken, om je focus en stabiliteit aan te scherpen. Er is ook voldoende tijd en ruimte in elk les om de helende kracht van yoga te ervaren. De lessen zijn 1,5 uur. Wij werken met alle aspekten van yoga – ontspanning / savasana & yoga nidra, ademhaling / pranayama, meditatie,  kracht en mobiliteit op te bouwen via de houdingen/asanas plus en klein stuk yoga filosofie voor de inspiratie en focus – in elk les. Je wordt begleid door een ervaren yoga docent die zelf ook de reis door borst kanker hebt meegemaakt. De lessen worden gegeven op dinsdag 09.00 – 10.30, ZOED Wilhelminapark, Haarlem  Warm welkom!    

New Yoga lessons

I am totally stoked to annouce two new weekly lessons I will be teaching as of now – second week of March 2018 – at EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede and YogaCentrum Hoofddorp. Tuesdays 18.00 – Dynamic Flow Yoga, EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Thursdays 17.45 – Stress Relief After Work, YogaCentrum Hoofddorp  Both lessons are open to all levels of yogis! Looking forward to seeing you on the mat! Warm welcome! Cia

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind

– A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia Haarlem 17/9, 13.00 A relaxed body becomes stable and quite. A quiet mind can see, hear, feel, sense, understand on a totally different level than we are used to operating on in daily life. This quite mind and this stable body are actually one and the same, making both acting and reacting without clenching, without holding on, possible. Leaving you with immeasurable possibilities ;-). Come join us in this Vijnana Yoga workhop in Haarlem with Dick Langenberg and Cecilia Götherström, where we dive deep in to the first two principles of Vijnana Yoga – Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind. Warm welcome to all levels of yogis! Dick & Cecilia Cecilia (  and Dick (  have been and still are studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 12 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Sunday 17/9 2017, 13.00 – 16.00 Where : Movement Studio Haarlem, Kinderhuissingel 4E Investment : EUR 45 …

Breakfast ginger banana smoothie

Some days all you want to do is have a very quick breakfast and quite often for me that is when a smoothie or a chia pudding comes in to play. This smoothie is not just filling and yummy, you can also make extra and have it as one of your snacks later during the day. And it is the perfect post training snack as well. Just throw all of this in the blender; 2 bananas 1,5 dl water 1 tspn cinnamon fresh ginger, as much or as little as you´d like 200 gr strawberries (or any other berries ;-), it is strawberry season here right now, so….) 1,5 dl oat, soya or almond milk 2 tspns soy or rice protein powder   Swish! Enjoy!  

Yoga Workshop – Kings & Queens Edition

”Long live the Queen, Long live the King!” Well, we say ”Long live the Yogi” ;-)! And the yogi does. Due to the practice of not only what is called the ”royal poses” , but indeed the entire ”royal” practice through the breathing, meditation, movement, postures and relaxation. So, what better time of the year can we have to play around with, immerse ourselves in and learn more about the practice of these ”royals” than this time in between Kings Day and what used to be Queens Day here in royally gorgous springtime NL? Come join us Saturday April 29th , 14.30- 17.30 in Movement Studio Haarlem, to start that elongation of your life! You will have two internationally certified Vijnana Yoga teachers guiding you through our journey in a safe, professional, caring and also fun way. Cecilia (  and Dick (  have both been studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 11 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Saturday …

Yoga Workshop ; The Essence Of Balance

Welcome to workshop # 2 this year by Dick Langenberg & Cecilia Götherström. This time around we delve deep in to The Essence Of Balance – physical, mental,  emotional, you name it – through the practice of Vijnana Yoga. We will sit/meditate , we will practice pranayama / breathing exercises and kriya´s / cleansing exercises, we will practice shavasana / guided relaxation at the end and we will move through postures /asanas  a looooooooooot! Balancings on less than two legs, on hands and feet, on two hands, on one hand and a foot, on your head, on your elbows, on maybe even more or less  – it´s all on the menu this workshop. We will learn and use tools to find our own Essence of Balance in any situation life or your body throws at you. And we promise a good time! All levels of yogi´s are warm welcome! C U on the mat! Dick & Cecilia Come join us Sunday, April 2nd, 14.00 – 17.00  in Movement Studio Haarlem You will have two internationally certified …

Kale and spinach soup

Oh so yummy easy as soup

Short post again ;-). It will take you just about 1 minute longer to cook this soup than the time it takes you to read this recipe post –  that´s how short they both are ;-). Ingredients; 150 gr kale 100 gr spinach 500 ml vegetable stock half a lemon 2 cm approx fresh ginger root 1 onion coconut oil pepper Sautée the onion and the garlic in the coconut oil in a pot on medium heat. Add the kale and spinach and allow them to sautée along for a little while. Stir in the stock, the ginger and the lemon juice. Use a mixer to get the soup in  smoother state, spice with the pepper and serve! Enjoy!