All posts tagged: foodie

23/10 Sunday Health Food Brunch / Café in Haarlem

  Welcome to Yummy, Fun And Healthy Living´s Health Food Brunch series! The whole point of this series is that you can actually bring any questions you have about nutrition/food & drinks with regards to your health to this morning get together and we will answer all of them –  as well as provide you with recipe suggestions and/or ways to tweak your already favourite foods wherever necessary. Every Health Food Brunch will start off with a small introduction and a theme to get started, to get the discussion and questions going – after that we can deviate in any direction you would like to, within the field of nutrition and health. We are totally stoked to be giving these Q & A mornings at MICA Coffebar in Haarlem, a beautiful setting where you can truly be yourself and enjoy amazingly yummy and pure food and drink products. Warm welcome! Your hosts and facilitators; Stephanie Mazier of Appetite Voyage –  International Food blogger, Writer,  Food & Beverage Connoisseur and recipe tweaker extraordinaire, Cecilia Götherström …

Chia Pudding

Chiapudding – yummy recipe

I have to admit that the first time I had a go at making the now oh-so-trendy Chia Pudding for the first time, the result was the same as that initial sip of shampoo you get down your throat as a kid when you don´t listen to your mum asking you to keep your eyes and mouth closed as she is washing your hair (aged 3 or so 😉 🙂 ). Totally not yum, or anything close to it. So I stayed off making any of these the-worlds-easiest-and-fastest-plus-superhealthy breakfasts for almost a year, savouring the tasty one´s I could get in cafés in Östersund, Göteborg, Köbenhavn, Haarlem, Heemstede, Amsterdam… Then a few weeks ago this recipe landed in our shopping cart – can´t remember if it was from Dekamarkt or AH, but anyway – it´s totally yum! Not a hint of shampoo taste, just total bliss. If you´d like to try it, here it is; Ingredients; 1 can full fat coconut milk 40 gr chia seeds 2 tbspns honey or maple syrup 1 tspn vanilla extract Half a mango …