All posts tagged: flow

New Yoga lessons

I am totally stoked to annouce two new weekly lessons I will be teaching as of now – second week of March 2018 – at EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede and YogaCentrum Hoofddorp. Tuesdays 18.00 – Dynamic Flow Yoga, EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Thursdays 17.45 – Stress Relief After Work, YogaCentrum Hoofddorp  Both lessons are open to all levels of yogis! Looking forward to seeing you on the mat! Warm welcome! Cia

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind

– A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia Haarlem 17/9, 13.00 A relaxed body becomes stable and quite. A quiet mind can see, hear, feel, sense, understand on a totally different level than we are used to operating on in daily life. This quite mind and this stable body are actually one and the same, making both acting and reacting without clenching, without holding on, possible. Leaving you with immeasurable possibilities ;-). Come join us in this Vijnana Yoga workhop in Haarlem with Dick Langenberg and Cecilia Götherström, where we dive deep in to the first two principles of Vijnana Yoga – Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind. Warm welcome to all levels of yogis! Dick & Cecilia Cecilia (  and Dick (  have been and still are studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 12 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Sunday 17/9 2017, 13.00 – 16.00 Where : Movement Studio Haarlem, Kinderhuissingel 4E Investment : EUR 45 …

Yoga Workshop 11/3 – Relax, Flow, Rejuvenate

Yoga Workshop  –  Relax, Flow, Rejuvenate In this flowing yoga workshop we will go from relaxation, to flow, to rejuvenation through a blend of breath, mind work and physical postures right back to relaxation. We will experience the connection between the three, realizing where one flows in to the other and why all three of them are actually in a sense one and the same. No matter where you are on your yoga journey, taking the first or the 1001st step or anywhere in between – warm welcome to this workshop! Where: EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede When: Saturday 11/3 13.30 – 16.30 How much: EUR 37 :- Who´s teching: Cecilia Götherström – Sign up: / 06-46157019

Yoga Workshop in Haarlem, 3/3

Yoga Workshop – Sun Salutations, Flow, Seuqencing Friday,  March 3rd, 18.30 – 21.30, Haarlem Sun salutations. There seem to be so many out there… And on top of that; How the h….k do I make mindful transitions from one asana/pose to the next ? How do I find strength in Chaturanga / Plank? How can I love Urdvha Mukha Svanasana / Up Dog and reach those relaxed shoulders, open chest and strong legs all in one? Adho Mukha / Downward Dog what? How is it actually supposed to feel? What is it good for? Where is the correlation between flow in yoga asanas/ postures and in the life I live? Is it all just a myth or can I find my own truth and path in there? Yes, pranayama / flowing breath = physical strength, mental focus and peace of mind in one. I have heard that. But how? Home practice…. Seems like such a hurdle to roll that mat out at home… How do I start ? So many questions… and you might have …

30/10 Yoga Workshop – Your Body As Your Teacher

  Sunday 30/10 13.00 – 16.00 EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Aches, pains, loss of energy, hyper activity, not enough sleep, too much sleep and more – it is our body letting us know that something is out of skew. Most of us know that already ;-). How do we practice and re-learn how to listen to what comes after that signal – our body telling us what the need is? Your body is your teacher. Always. And as all of us know – some teachers are gentle, guiding and nudging while others are bossy and pushy. Your body is all of that as a teacher, so that we don´t have to go to that place of uncomfort again. And most importantly, so that we can open up to that comfort that is actually possible anywhere, anytime. Welcome to join me in this workshop , for all levels of yogi´s, where we dive in to the theme ”Your Body As Your Teacher”. See you at  EVA´Z on the 30th of November! Investment: EUR 35 :- …

Yoga, Studio Stark, Cecilia Götherström, Heemstede

Friday Flow, 27/5

May 27th 2016, 19.00 – 20.30 Eva´z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Welcome to join the bi-monthly Friday Flow lesson at Eva´z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede on May 27th! In the name of Flow, we move through the practices of ”just sitting”, breathing / pranyama, a series of postures woven together in a holistic way, ending with a deep relaxation/savasana. The focus will lie on experiencing the flow of one moment to the next, or as you could call it from one ”now” to the next ”now” ;-). Warm welcome to all levels of yogi´s! Really looking forward to flowing together! Namasté, Cecilia Limited amount of space available – max 11 participants! To sign up: 06-46157019

Friday Flow , 1/4

April 1st 2016, 19.00 – 20.30 Eva´z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Welcome to join the bi-monthly Friday Flow lesson at Eva´z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede on April 1st! In the name of Flow, we move through the practices of ”just sitting”, breathing / pranyama, a series of postures woven together in a holistic way, ending with a deep relaxation/savasana. The focus will lie on experiencing the flow of one moment to the next, or as you could call it from one ”now” to the next ”now” ;-). Warm welcome to all levels of yogi´s! Really looking forward to flowing together! Namasté, Cecilia Limited amount of space available – max 11 participants!