Yoga Workshop in Haarlem, 3/3
Yoga Workshop – Sun Salutations, Flow, Seuqencing Friday, March 3rd, 18.30 – 21.30, Haarlem Sun salutations. There seem to be so many out there… And on top of that; How the h….k do I make mindful transitions from one asana/pose to the next ? How do I find strength in Chaturanga / Plank? How can I love Urdvha Mukha Svanasana / Up Dog and reach those relaxed shoulders, open chest and strong legs all in one? Adho Mukha / Downward Dog what? How is it actually supposed to feel? What is it good for? Where is the correlation between flow in yoga asanas/ postures and in the life I live? Is it all just a myth or can I find my own truth and path in there? Yes, pranayama / flowing breath = physical strength, mental focus and peace of mind in one. I have heard that. But how? Home practice…. Seems like such a hurdle to roll that mat out at home… How do I start ? So many questions… and you might have …