All posts tagged: Cecilia Götherström

Energy bar, gluten free, dairy free, raw, paleo

Snack bar – the healthy one ;-)

Quite often I see recipe´s in magazines and books which I then either rip out (that´s for the magazines eh 😉 ) or go ahead and buy the book immediately so that I can test them. If I deem them yummy as well as healthy I share them, always quoting the original source of course ;-). They ones I share will always be easy to make, as I am – still, and I think always will be – a real klutz in the kitchen. If it hadn´t been for me being lucky enough to find the best co op partner in the world to work with – thank you Jo Parfitt for introducing us – as well as the most fun, brutally honest and with a heart the size of the distance from here to the end of our galaxy and back, friend, Stephi from Appetite Voyage, I never would have ventured outside the world of already printed and created recipe´s. Ever. Buuuuuut – Stephi taught me the art and the dare of tweaking recipes. …

Yoga, trekking, hiking, midnight sun, Helags Fjällstation, Helags Natinonal Park

Yoga, Trekking and Midnight Sun

  August 4th – 7th 2016  &  August 11th – 14th 2016 Welcome to our yoga and trekking long weekends at Helags Fjällstation/Mountain station in Swedish Lapland during the summer of 2016. No previous experience necessary! We will be staying together at the Mountain Station with full board, enjoying two yoga sessions per day during the morning and the evening. There will also be a seminar on the theme “Holistic Health” including nutritional advice during the weekend. We will gather at the Inn Wärdshuset Helags in Ljungdalen Thursday morning for a meal together and an introduction of the program for the weekend. You will be able to make a picnic from all the food on the buffet to bring in your own backpack for the hike. We have transport arranged to the parking spot Kläppen where our trek begins . From there we trek to to Helags Fjällstation , a 14 km hike/walk along beautiful flowery trails, passing next to lakes and creeks as we ascend. During the days of our stay at the mountain …

Yoga and nutrition workshop, Detox, Haarlem, Heemsted

Yoga & Nutrition workshop – theme Detox

May 21st, EVA´Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Welcome to this new Yoga & Nutrition workshop at EVA´z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede on Saturday May the 21st.   Detox is a word that has been and is being throw around in a lot of different directions and contexts over past years.To tell the truth, a lot of the time this awesome concept it is taken greatly out of it´s actual context, at other times it is completely misunderstood. Detoxification is a natural process in the body as well as in nature. 24/7 it goes on without us even realizing it most of the time. When we do realize the process exists is usually when something is out of whack ;-). How to optimize the enviroment for this natural process in our bodies, our minds and our surroundings, how to completely understand the way detoxification works as well as how it does not , that is what will be focusing on, experiencing and learning in this unique workshop. In a space where the science of yoga …

This thing we call ”Life”

  She is looking at me like she is wondering what the heck I am doing all day. Those clear, wise yellow eyes have shifted from the regular look of either curiousity or reaching out to concern. The beautiful thing is that meeting those eyes is all it takes for me to slow down. All it takes for me to rest her head in my two hands, looking in to her soul as she looks in to mine , wondering what the heck I AM doing all day. It is actually not about the doing, as the lists of stuff we need to do to make a living and live comfortably never ends. It is about how we do those things. In my mind, in my world, I was planning tonight´s yoga lesson – after having rushed through dishes, washing and vacuuming – totally focused on the task at hand. In Elsa´s mind I was totally lost. What she saw was a human who just ticked off one thing on the list , moving to …

Cecilia Götherström

Cecilia Götherström

My name is Cecilia Götherström – the founder of Studio Stark. Nature and the elements have always been my biggest love, drive and passion, next to the fundamental components of Movement and Health. Looking back at my life until now, these have always intertwined like a red thread , an interwoven braid, – whether sailing in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere in all weathers, on the mountain in deep snow with my snowboard strapped to my feet midwinter,  upside down in a headstand in the Midnight Sun on midsummer night, hanging with huskies and friends by a campfire after a hike, or teaching yoga for surfer´s on the beach while learning to get further out than the white water myself ☺ – and more. This love of movement, strength and health has taken me down the road of creating Studio Stark to guide and coach others on their journey to their ultimate strength and wellbeing – inner and outer. A large part of this is being, and staying, trained, educated and up to date within these fields …