All posts tagged: appetite voyage

Food and Mood seminar

Food & Mood

Sunday we held our 3rd seminar / Health Food Brunch in the Yummy, Fun And Healthy Living seminar series at MICA´s Coffee bar in Haarlem –  us being Stephanie from Appetit Voyage and me. We would like to thank all of you who attended as well as Annemarie and Sophie for another morning of amazing food, drinks and atmosphere at their beautiful coffee bar. The main idea behind these Health Food Brunches and Seminars is that people get together , bringing any questions they could possibly have when it comes to food, nutrition and health and we are there to answer them all. We start the morning off with a theme to get the conversations and questions going, while staying open to being flexible to what the need is of the participants. This time the kick off topic was ”Food & Mood”. Up until recently most research in the field of ”Food & Mood” has been focused on the brain – the hormones and chemicals there which are supporting or even creating the way we …

Yoga vacation, Yoga & Healthy Lifestyle Week in Sweden

Yoga & Healthy Lifestyle Week in the Winter Wonderland of Sweden

7 days all inclusive March 16-22 2017   Would you like to keep living a sweet life in the absence of all things deemed as “unhealthy” – but you don’t even know where to start? Revsunds Prästgård B&B – together with certified nutritionist, yoga teacher and Health Coach Cecilia Götherström and food blogger & connoisseur Stephanie Mazier – has put together a full week´s unique course right in the middle of the breath taking Swedish nature. A full week where you will receive all the tools for a healthy lifestyle plus learn how to meet every day stresses & challenges while staying strong and glowing from the inside out. Including daily yoga and meditation sessions. You lodge at the previous priests quarters built in 1906 in the Swedish county of Jämtland. The turn of the century manor at the shore of Lake Revsund breathes a serene atmosphere. Outside the world is tucked in under a soft, thick blanket of snow. Indoors the logs are crackling in the fireplace. There are no distractions. Only nature to inspire you, the silence to …

28/10 – Breakfast Seminar ; Holistic Health

In this breakfast seminar we will talk about Holistic Health with nutrition as a starting point, or a point of reference. What does Holistic actually mean? Where does it come from? What does it entail? And how can I, with a few easy steps, live more holistically in this busy day and age without adding more stress to my plate? You are welcome to bring as many questions as you may have, or bring up as many as arise during the seminar – we will gladly answer all of them as well as provide you with recipe suggestions and/or ways to tweak your already favourite foods if needed next to easy lifestyle changes. We are totally stoked to be giving these Seminar and  Q & A mornings at MICA Coffebar in Haarlem, a beautiful setting where you can truly be yourself and enjoy amazingly yummy and pure food and drink products. Welcome! Your hosts and facilitators; Stephanie Mazier of Appetite Voyage –  International Food blogger, Writer,  Food & Beverage Connoisseur and recipe tweaker extraordinaire …

27/10 – Just for the guys ; Cooking & Nutritional workshop – “ManFood”

Food, beer, Vikings & Warriors 😉   We have been teaching cooking and nutritional workshops, holding seminars,  arranging trips for 6 years now under the umbrella of Yummy, Fun and Healthy Living. Having seen the trend in commercials the past years, in media, in training for you guys and more  a question arose as we were planning the next line of workshops, which was “what about the guys??!!” So, it is time for a workshop for the men out there! What about those trends, myths and ideas rolling around lately that we are all cavemen and need to eat like a caveman? And if we do, what did a caveman really eat? How did a caveman really live and move? What about the modern cave-men, the one who likes his beer – the Viking and Warrior-part, which came slightly later than the caveman? How can he live Healthily ever after while still having a Fun life? What food stuff makes a man feel like a man and what food stuff does the opposite? In this …

23/10 Sunday Health Food Brunch / Café in Haarlem

  Welcome to Yummy, Fun And Healthy Living´s Health Food Brunch series! The whole point of this series is that you can actually bring any questions you have about nutrition/food & drinks with regards to your health to this morning get together and we will answer all of them –  as well as provide you with recipe suggestions and/or ways to tweak your already favourite foods wherever necessary. Every Health Food Brunch will start off with a small introduction and a theme to get started, to get the discussion and questions going – after that we can deviate in any direction you would like to, within the field of nutrition and health. We are totally stoked to be giving these Q & A mornings at MICA Coffebar in Haarlem, a beautiful setting where you can truly be yourself and enjoy amazingly yummy and pure food and drink products. Warm welcome! Your hosts and facilitators; Stephanie Mazier of Appetite Voyage –  International Food blogger, Writer,  Food & Beverage Connoisseur and recipe tweaker extraordinaire, Cecilia Götherström …

22/10 , Cooking and Nutritional Workshop – Myths and Truths about Fat/s and Your Health

  Welcome to part 2 in our “Myths and Truths” series! Last time we dove in to sugar – this time we are diving in to “Myths and Truths about Fat/s and Your Health”. How exciting! We are actually totally stoked to be hosting this workshop on this very subject – first of all as there is of course so much Yummy, Fun and Healthy Food to be cooked within this theme. Secondly as we love to give these workshops and meet all of you. Thirdly because if there is any section within nutrition that has been swinging up and down, back and forth when it comes to trends and myths the past 30 years – Fat/s is the true winner. Science and research wise, it has been a true trip of discovery in to the nature of our digestive system and metabolism next to the tremendous effect and importance to our health. So, we will learn all there is to learn about Fat/s and Your Health in this workshop. We will cook some tremendously …

Energy bar, gluten free, dairy free, raw, paleo

Snack bar – the healthy one ;-)

Quite often I see recipe´s in magazines and books which I then either rip out (that´s for the magazines eh 😉 ) or go ahead and buy the book immediately so that I can test them. If I deem them yummy as well as healthy I share them, always quoting the original source of course ;-). They ones I share will always be easy to make, as I am – still, and I think always will be – a real klutz in the kitchen. If it hadn´t been for me being lucky enough to find the best co op partner in the world to work with – thank you Jo Parfitt for introducing us – as well as the most fun, brutally honest and with a heart the size of the distance from here to the end of our galaxy and back, friend, Stephi from Appetite Voyage, I never would have ventured outside the world of already printed and created recipe´s. Ever. Buuuuuut – Stephi taught me the art and the dare of tweaking recipes. …

Nutritional Seminar ; – Myths and Truths about Sugar And Your Health

Wednesday May 4th 2016, 16.00 – 18.00 By LIMA, Haarlem All you ever wanted to know about sugar, but never dared to or knew who to ask! You will get some great nutritional insights from internationally certified nutritionist Cecilia Gotherstrom and plenty of recipes and food ideas from food connoisseur and international food blogger Stephanie Mazier. All this in a relaxed, cozy atmosphere with coffee, tea and snacks. The purpose of this is fun get together is to gather you people who´d like to take better care of your body, to live a healthier life, without dropping the fun and the yummy! It is the perfect setup to share questions, doubts and beliefs around sugar and what it does to our body, for instance: Is sugar good or bad for me? What is sugar actually? Are my cravings really telling me anything about my sugar intake? Sugar and diabetes, what is the actual link? All these words – glucose, fructose, dextrose, xylitol, aspartame, brown sugar, cane sugar, honey, agave syrup, coconut flower nectar, raw sugar …