– The act of distinguishing or discerning, understanding, recognizing; intelligence, knowledge, skill, art, science
Mondays @ 19.00, Vijnana Yoga via Zoom, in Swedish, on donation basis.
Tuesdays @ 19.00, Vijnana Yoga via Zoom, in English, on donation basis.
Wednesdays @ 19.30, Yoga Basics via Zoom, in Dutch.
Thursdays @ 18.30, Yoga & Kracht, via VIMEO, in Dutch.
Fridays @ 10.00, Restorative Yoga, via VIMEO, in Dutch.
Fridays @ 19.00, Yoga Nidra, via Zoom, in English, on donation basis
Saturdays @ 9.00, Vijnana Yoga via Zoom, in English, on donation basis .
Nowadays we are extremely good at multi-tasking, at reacting to whatever goes on around us immediately – be that What´s App, text or Facebook messages, Instagram comments and likes, requests from our managers, colleagues or family. We are being constantly bombarded with information through our sight and hearing wherever we are – at the busstop, in line at the supermarket, while out for dinner with friends….
What can we do to feel less overwhelmed while simultaneously handle all the information and demands in our daily life? How can we find our way back to our own inner voice, our own inner strength – that place where we can listen to both, that place where everything flows in our own rhythm?
I am pretty sure that most of you who have found your way here, to the website of Studio Stark, already have heard that yoga is ”good for you” ;-).
And yes, I have to agree, 100 %, on that point.
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