Events, workshops & courses, Nutrition
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Detox . – What is it actually? Food, nutrition, science and inspiration seminar.



When : Thursday 30/3 18.00 – 19.30

Where: MICA´s Coffee Bar , Kleine Houtstraat 103, Haarlem

Detox. Cleansing. Eat Clean. Sugar free. Gluten free. Lactose free. Cruelty free. And so many more words & terms are being thrown around out there in Food & Nutrition Lalaland , all in the same sentences – but do we know what they mean? Do we know how it works, or – more importantly maybe –  if it works?

What is ”it” ?

Let´s get down to both the nitti gritti of ”detox” as well as what does and does not work, what is the intended meaning and practice, how and what can & will benefit You, what can you toss out the window and what can you keep once and for all.

Plus, allow us to answer any questions you have on not just the subject of Detox but anything nutrition and Yummy Fun And Healthy Living related!

Welcome to Yummy, Fun And Healthy Living´s Health Food seminar series!

The whole point of this series is that you can actually bring any questions you have about nutrition/food & drinks with regards to your health to this evening get together and we will answer all of them – as well as provide you with recipe suggestions and/or ways to tweak your already favorite foods wherever necessary.

Every Health Food Seminar will start off with a small introduction and a theme to get started, to get the discussion and questions going – after that we can deviate in any direction you would like to, within the field of nutrition and health.

We are totally stoked to be giving these Q & A sessions at MICA Coffeebar in Haarlem, a beautiful setting where you can truly be yourself and enjoy amazingly yummy and pure food and drink products.

Warm welcome!

Your hosts and facilitators;

Stephanie Mazier of Appetit Voyage –  International Food blogger, Writer,  Food & Beverage Connoisseur and recipe tweaker extraordinaire,

Cecilia Götherström of Studio Stark – Certified Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Blogger, Writer, PT , complete nutrition-nerd,

Location: MICA Coffeebar, Kleine Houtstraat 103, Haarlem

Date & Time: Thursday 30/3, 18.00 – 19.30

Investment: EUR 37:- incl tax, healthy and heartwarming freshly prepared snack meal, coffee or tea, juice, seminar.

Sign up/more information or questions; 06-46157019



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