All posts filed under: Yoga

Yoga Workshop ; The Essence Of Balance

Welcome to workshop # 2 this year by Dick Langenberg & Cecilia Götherström. This time around we delve deep in to The Essence Of Balance – physical, mental,  emotional, you name it – through the practice of Vijnana Yoga. We will sit/meditate , we will practice pranayama / breathing exercises and kriya´s / cleansing exercises, we will practice shavasana / guided relaxation at the end and we will move through postures /asanas  a looooooooooot! Balancings on less than two legs, on hands and feet, on two hands, on one hand and a foot, on your head, on your elbows, on maybe even more or less  – it´s all on the menu this workshop. We will learn and use tools to find our own Essence of Balance in any situation life or your body throws at you. And we promise a good time! All levels of yogi´s are warm welcome! C U on the mat! Dick & Cecilia Come join us Sunday, April 2nd, 14.00 – 17.00  in Movement Studio Haarlem You will have two internationally certified …

Yoga Workshop 11/3 – Relax, Flow, Rejuvenate

Yoga Workshop  –  Relax, Flow, Rejuvenate In this flowing yoga workshop we will go from relaxation, to flow, to rejuvenation through a blend of breath, mind work and physical postures right back to relaxation. We will experience the connection between the three, realizing where one flows in to the other and why all three of them are actually in a sense one and the same. No matter where you are on your yoga journey, taking the first or the 1001st step or anywhere in between – warm welcome to this workshop! Where: EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede When: Saturday 11/3 13.30 – 16.30 How much: EUR 37 :- Who´s teching: Cecilia Götherström – Sign up: / 06-46157019

Hands ´n feet ´n winter

Winter. Water. Cold. Yin. Kidneys. Hibernation. Recuperation. Rest. Movement. Stamina. Plenty of words to describe the season and element we are in. I just read in a centuries old “Farmers Wisdom Calendar” that if the old year freezes together with the new year it will be strong winter. A strong winter. What does that mean actually? A lot of us might shrug and think “uh, that means a long, cold, winter with frozen hands, feet and nose”. Other’s might think “yeah, that means a long, crisp, ice and snow clad couple of months ahead with loads of fresh air enjoy ice skating, skiing and sledding with the kids down the slopes”. I would like to think of it as simply “strong winter”. Winter – with all it’s cold, ice, rain or snow, biting winds, somewhat darker days and longer evenings, with me feeling strong. Strong winter. The planet needs this season to be cold, to be “real” to be in balance here in the Northern Hemisphere. We are not separate from the planet. So, how …

Yoga Workshop in Haarlem, 3/3

Yoga Workshop – Sun Salutations, Flow, Seuqencing Friday,  March 3rd, 18.30 – 21.30, Haarlem Sun salutations. There seem to be so many out there… And on top of that; How the h….k do I make mindful transitions from one asana/pose to the next ? How do I find strength in Chaturanga / Plank? How can I love Urdvha Mukha Svanasana / Up Dog and reach those relaxed shoulders, open chest and strong legs all in one? Adho Mukha / Downward Dog what? How is it actually supposed to feel? What is it good for? Where is the correlation between flow in yoga asanas/ postures and in the life I live? Is it all just a myth or can I find my own truth and path in there? Yes, pranayama / flowing breath = physical strength, mental focus and peace of mind in one. I have heard that. But how? Home practice…. Seems like such a hurdle to roll that mat out at home… How do I start ? So many questions… and you might have …

Stress Relief, Restorative Yoga

Release, rest, reset

The trees are almost completely bare this time of the year in the south of Swedish Lapland where I am living at the moment. More or less totally naked. I can´t decide if they look dead or just totally cleansed, getting ready for hibernation or cocooning. Either way, something changed and there is no way denying it. “Change is the only constant in life” – wise words spoken by dear Heraclitus more than 2500 years ago. Words so evident once we open our eyes to take in the changes in nature – even if we live in the city there are trees and flowerbeds somewhere to be seen and birds to be heard – breathing in the air which changes it’s temperature and humidity as the seasons travel onwards, looking up at the sun to see where it sits today during our lunch break (if you ain´t taking a lunch break, how about giving that as a gift to yourself starting right now 😉 ?), just sharing space with what is moving around, above and …

Winter Wellness Wonderland – Yoga trip to Swedish Lapland

come join us for 4 days of yoga, breathtaking untouched nature, fresh ski tracks, culinary artisan meals, nutritional seminars, sauna,hottubs in the snow and more this winter in the southern part of Swedish Lapland. Complete rejuvenation guaranteed! The starry, clear midwinter skies welcomes you in Vålådalen – this time of the year still frequently visited by Northern Lights . The days lit by the spring sun. At the end of the road, at the base of the mountain Ottfjället, lies Vålådalen mountain station where we will be based these 4 days of nature & yoga & immersion. Right outside the door we have freshly prepared cross country ski tracks for those who wish to ski, there are plenty of tracks for winter walking / hiking, not to mention an abundance of space and time for just relaxing and rejuvenating whether that is in front of the open fire place, on the terrace with a warm drink, in the outdoor hot tub or the sauna. We will begin and end the days with yoga sessions with …

Yoga - Not an escape room

Yoga – not an escape room

Yoga is not here to let us escape from life. It is here to show us how to decipher what we believe life is. To see what is.  So many times people share their stories of how they cannot cope with the stresses of every day life, with what is percieved as a pushy boss, an inconsiderate co worker, a demanding family member, the commute to work and more if they did not have yoga. That is a beautiful thing to hear. It means that somewhere the heart, the mind, the body, the soul is finding space. Is finding release. Is discovering relief. And that zone of expanse you experience on your yoga mat is a magnificent place to start. Yoga is, however, not an escape room. Don´t get me wrong – I also came to yoga with a broken body, a broken heart, a confused and somewhat broken mind. At least that is how I percieved it all back then in the year of 2000. Like so many others I also arrived on the …

Yoga vacation, Yoga & Healthy Lifestyle Week in Sweden

Yoga & Healthy Lifestyle Week in the Winter Wonderland of Sweden

7 days all inclusive March 16-22 2017   Would you like to keep living a sweet life in the absence of all things deemed as “unhealthy” – but you don’t even know where to start? Revsunds Prästgård B&B – together with certified nutritionist, yoga teacher and Health Coach Cecilia Götherström and food blogger & connoisseur Stephanie Mazier – has put together a full week´s unique course right in the middle of the breath taking Swedish nature. A full week where you will receive all the tools for a healthy lifestyle plus learn how to meet every day stresses & challenges while staying strong and glowing from the inside out. Including daily yoga and meditation sessions. You lodge at the previous priests quarters built in 1906 in the Swedish county of Jämtland. The turn of the century manor at the shore of Lake Revsund breathes a serene atmosphere. Outside the world is tucked in under a soft, thick blanket of snow. Indoors the logs are crackling in the fireplace. There are no distractions. Only nature to inspire you, the silence to …

30/10 Yoga Workshop – Your Body As Your Teacher

  Sunday 30/10 13.00 – 16.00 EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Aches, pains, loss of energy, hyper activity, not enough sleep, too much sleep and more – it is our body letting us know that something is out of skew. Most of us know that already ;-). How do we practice and re-learn how to listen to what comes after that signal – our body telling us what the need is? Your body is your teacher. Always. And as all of us know – some teachers are gentle, guiding and nudging while others are bossy and pushy. Your body is all of that as a teacher, so that we don´t have to go to that place of uncomfort again. And most importantly, so that we can open up to that comfort that is actually possible anywhere, anytime. Welcome to join me in this workshop , for all levels of yogi´s, where we dive in to the theme ”Your Body As Your Teacher”. See you at  EVA´Z on the 30th of November! Investment: EUR 35 :- …

Guest Teacher Sarah Richer from Canada, July 1st in Heemstede

I am totally stoked to introduce my dear collegue and friend , Vijnana Yoga Teacher Sarah Richer from Canada to you all here in The Netherlands. This coming Friday she is guest teaching at EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede. Looking forward to seeing you all there! When? Friday 1/7, 18.00-19.30 Investment : EUR 15:- or 1 x on your “strippen-kaart” All levels welcome! Sarah is from Montreal but has lived on the Canadian West Coast for the last 15 years. She studied yoga as an avocation for 10 years before taking her first teacher training. After several years of teaching, she began to experience discomfort in her joints from overdoing it in yoga, and had to learn how to put her body back together. She will be teachings the basics of differentiating passively stretching, or elongating, tissues and areas of the body as opposed to actively taking joints to their end range of motion, and challenging the supporting system of muscles and tissues to hold the body in its end range of motion, as …