All posts filed under: Yoga

Yoga Workshop 9/3 @ YogaCentrum Hoofddorp

Stilte en Kracht in de Storm Soms voelt het als of je in een storm bent terecht gekomen, of in een wasprogramma dat vast lijkt te zitten op centrifugeren. Yoga geeft je de gereedschappen om de stilte én de kracht te vinden in de storm, om van centrifugeren door naar wasverzachter te gaan. In deze workshop gaan wij focusen op om juist de stilte en de kracht in de storm te vinden. Fysiek, energiek en mentaal. En het maakt niet uit of dit je eerste kennismaking is met yoga, of je 23415e keer – je bent van harte welkom! Ik kijk er echt naar uit om je te zien in het Yoga Centrum op vrijdag 9 maart! Van harte welkom! Cecilia

5/11 – Yoga Workshop @ EVA`Z, Heemstede

– ”Dogs, Wolves and People” 😉 So many of the yoga postures are named after animals and nature.So many of the breathing excercises are named after nature and the elements. So many of us people feel we are missing nature in the busy city  – at the same time forgetting that we ARE nature. This breathing, moving, talking body of ours is nature. Nature changes, the seasons change, the body changes. Every moment there is change,  yet we seem to do our best to resist instead of getting in to the gist of this ever changing nature of life. Why J ? In this workshop we will go in to depth in to some of the excercises – breathing / pranayama, postures / asanas, meditation and relaxation / savasana that will bring us back to the nature of who we are, being able to move with the changes . Excercies that you can bring home and use whenever you´d like. All levels of yogis, wolves, dogs, trees and people are welcome ;-). Warm welcome! Sign …

Mindful transitions

When the seasons change, especially from the spring into summer and from the summer into the fall we seem to get more out of balance than during other seasonal transitions. It might even feel like at times you’ve been hit with a metal rod on your head while at other times you find yourself looking for both inner and outer bearings to get through this period. Our first routine response when the more unpleasant sensations are arriving is to push them away. But since we live under the law of gravity we are also being made painfully aware of that anything we push away usually comes back and hits twice as hard from all the momentum gained. So, why not just grab that metal rod and check it out? What is it? What is it trying to show us, to teach us? First of all, we are transitioning into winter. It would not be wise to be pushed from the warmth, the openness, the flowery dresses and brightly colored surf shorts straight into icy cold, …

Friday Flow – 15/9 @ EVA`Z

Friday 15/9 is the day for the first monthly Friday Flow at EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede for the season! 19.00 – 20.30 we are flowing with the theme “Rooting and landing” in a full yoga practice including asanas / postures, just sitting / meditation, pranayama / breathing practices and savasana / relaxation. All levels of yogi´s are welcome! Investment: EUR 17:50 Sign up: / 06-46157019  

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind

– A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia Haarlem 17/9, 13.00 A relaxed body becomes stable and quite. A quiet mind can see, hear, feel, sense, understand on a totally different level than we are used to operating on in daily life. This quite mind and this stable body are actually one and the same, making both acting and reacting without clenching, without holding on, possible. Leaving you with immeasurable possibilities ;-). Come join us in this Vijnana Yoga workhop in Haarlem with Dick Langenberg and Cecilia Götherström, where we dive deep in to the first two principles of Vijnana Yoga – Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind. Warm welcome to all levels of yogis! Dick & Cecilia Cecilia (  and Dick (  have been and still are studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 12 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Sunday 17/9 2017, 13.00 – 16.00 Where : Movement Studio Haarlem, Kinderhuissingel 4E Investment : EUR 45 …

Yoga, trekking, hiking, midnight sun, Helags Fjällstation, Helags Natinonal Park

Yoga, Hiking and Midnight Sun Vacation

Welcome to our  yoga and trekking long weekends at Helags Fjällstation/Mountain station in Swedish Lapland during the summer of 2017. No previous experience necessary! We will be staying together at the Mountain Station with full board, enjoying daily hikes in the untouched Swedish nature,  two yoga sessions per day during the morning and the evening, hanging out with reindeer on the mountain and more. There will also be a seminar on the theme “Holistic Health through nutrition and movement” including nutritional advice during the weekend. We will gather at the Inn Wärdshuset Helags in Ljungdalen Thursday morning for a meal together and an introduction of the program for the weekend. You will be able to make a picnic from all the food on the buffet to bring in your own backpack for the hike. We have transport arranged to the parking spot Kläppen where our trek begins . From there we trek to to Helags Fjällstation , a 14 km hike/walk along beautiful flowery trails, passing next to lakes and creeks as we ascend. During …

Yoga Workshop – Kings & Queens Edition

”Long live the Queen, Long live the King!” Well, we say ”Long live the Yogi” ;-)! And the yogi does. Due to the practice of not only what is called the ”royal poses” , but indeed the entire ”royal” practice through the breathing, meditation, movement, postures and relaxation. So, what better time of the year can we have to play around with, immerse ourselves in and learn more about the practice of these ”royals” than this time in between Kings Day and what used to be Queens Day here in royally gorgous springtime NL? Come join us Saturday April 29th , 14.30- 17.30 in Movement Studio Haarlem, to start that elongation of your life! You will have two internationally certified Vijnana Yoga teachers guiding you through our journey in a safe, professional, caring and also fun way. Cecilia (  and Dick (  have both been studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 11 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Saturday …


Spring is officially upon us and before we rejoice in all the energy the sun brings us, before we feel it rushing through our bodies and minds filling us with a tremendous intensity of inspiration and motivation, there is always that time of transitioning in to spring from winter. Yes, we do tend to forget that. Every year anew we find ourselves sitting there wondering why we are overcome with fatigue and sluggishness, feeling slightly chilly, eyes watering, itchy nose, wrapped in a huge blanket while turning our cheeks to face the sunlight with a craving for that fluttering spring energy to just kick start itself. Spring, the season of the element Wood, the season of the Liver, the Gallbladder, of Green. The season when the body wakes up again to take in the beauty of life as it re invents itself right before our very eyes. Being the language nerd I am have for a long time been fascinated with the origin and meaning of words in relation to what they can really tell …

Yoga Workshop – Spring Flow @ EVA`Z

Spring has arrived! Time for a Spring Flow workshop to align our bodies, minds and entire system with this fresh full-of-promises-and-expectations season, while leaving the winter sleep behind. Spring is a transition, often moving between the two extremes of storms and almost windless  summerlike days. Your body is cleaning , leaving you quite often with a spring cold , lethargy plus other downers . So let´s aid our bodies in making that cleansing process smoother by transitioning mindfully and aware while opening up our hearts, minds and eyes to the breathtaking flowery season we are in! In this workshop we will flow, we will relax, we will breathe, we will put in some work, we will learn, we will share, we will leave stuff behind, we will create space for the new, we will align. All levels of yogi´s are welcome! Bring a friend!   When? Zat / Sat 8/4, 13.30 – 16.30 Where ? EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede Investment ? EUR 37 :- Sign up?, 06-46157019

Mind Detox

Detox is a word which has become almost as common as the word “Iphone” in our every day lingo. Even though we might not know all the exact down-to-the-nano-particle-of-certain-molecules-or-cells-details-and-functions of neither the word “Detox” nor the word “Iphone” , we are all aware that both words are necessary for our survival ( ? ). Or at least we know that one is – the other we most likely feel like it would be pretty difficult to survive without. Well aware of the fact that Detoxification is the process in our bodies which rids our system of toxins we have become more and more picky about what we put in our mouths, on our skin, the quality of the air which we breathe in and more. But what about the things we let in to our minds through the gateways of our senses? And what about the stuff that comes out of our mouths as we speak? Is the music you are playing, the books, magazines and blogs you are reading, the movies you are watching, the people …