All posts filed under: Yoga

Yoga Nidra with huskies

Yoga Nidra, which means Yogic Sleep, is an ancient practice which allows you to dive deep in to your subconcious to essentially clean up what´s there. The practice is a guided relaxation in meditation as you lie on your back, taking you through the levels of conciousness to the place of deep sleep –  while remaining concious. Huskies?  Some years ago circumstances forced me to bring the husky ladies  in to Yoga Nidra class when I was teaching one evening. The husky ladies – Akasha and Elsa – joined in the relaxation and did their own part of  guiding the practice. Since that one day in March of 2014 they join the Yoga Nidra on demand by the students.  Modern science has proved that we go in to state of heart and brain coherence in an instant in the presence of animals we have close contact with. And the same happens with the animals. So Yoga Nidra with Huskies is a beautiful practice for us as well as the huskies. Warm welcome to this Yoga Nidra with Huskies …

17/11 – Yoga Workshop – The Path Of Least Resistance, Haarlem

Zat 17/11 13.00 – 16.00 Studio Wilhelminapark, Wilhelminapark 28, Haarlem € 35 :- pp of € 50:- voor 2 personen Hoe kan je ” The Path Of Least Resistance” kiezen in een wereld waar het vaak voelt als of je alle kanten op wordt getrokken ? In een wereled waar je vaak eerder weerstand voelt dan niet? Dat gaan wij ontdekken in deze yoga workshop die open is voor alle niveaus van yogi´s – of het je 1e les/workshop is of je 5431e. Warm welkom! Cecilia Gotherstrom Aanmelden / vragen; 06-46157019

New weekly Yoga lesson in Haarlem!

We are moving through the end if this summer towards the seasons to come. The new yoga season officially starts here in NL with the schools,  next week, and I am totally stoked to be back in Haarlem teaching a weekly class for all levels! Looking forward to welcoming you all at Studio Wilhelminapark , Wednesday morning´s at 09.00! Bring a friend if you´d like! Love, Cecilia

New lesson / nieuwe les – Yoga en hormonetherapie

Yoga en hormonetherapie  De tijd met hormonetherapie is vaak overweldigend. Je komt naar huis met en waslijst van potentiële bijwerkingen na je eerste bezoek bij de verpleging oncologië over die informatie van de hormonetherapie. Hun hebben daar ook goed uitgelegd dat sommige geen een bijwerking voelen, anderen heelveel en alles tussenin – je weet dus heelemaal niet wat je wel of niet mee gaat maken. Deze lessen zijn gericht op het versterken van alles wat de hormonetherapie zoude kunnen verzwakken – fysiek, mentaal een geestelijk. Er is heelveel die wij zelf kunnen doen om sterk door deze perioede te gaan en ook sterk daar uit te komen. Het enige is dat het ons vaak niet wordt verteld. Tot nu toe ;-). In deze lessen leren wij ook wat wij dagelijks zelf  t´huis kunnen doen om alles zo soepel mogelijk voor onszelf te laten lopen. Er is ook voldoende tijd en ruimte in elk les om de helende kracht van yoga te ervaren. De lessen zijn 1,5 uur. Wij werken met alle aspekten van yoga – …

New lesson / nieuwe les – Yoga tijdens en na borstkanker, in Haarlem

Yoga tijdens en na borstkanker  Deze lessen zijn gericht op de tijd die je doormaakt tijdens en na de (borst) kanker diagnose, behandeling/en en herstel. Wij leggen het focus op het hier en nu, op het voelen van wat er echt aan de hand en wat er echt  nu nodig is om je kracht en stamina te versterken, om je focus en stabiliteit aan te scherpen. Er is ook voldoende tijd en ruimte in elk les om de helende kracht van yoga te ervaren. De lessen zijn 1,5 uur. Wij werken met alle aspekten van yoga – ontspanning / savasana & yoga nidra, ademhaling / pranayama, meditatie,  kracht en mobiliteit op te bouwen via de houdingen/asanas plus en klein stuk yoga filosofie voor de inspiratie en focus – in elk les. Je wordt begleid door een ervaren yoga docent die zelf ook de reis door borst kanker hebt meegemaakt. De lessen worden gegeven op dinsdag 09.00 – 10.30, ZOED Wilhelminapark, Haarlem  Warm welkom!    

Ethical Guidelines for Yoga Teachers

In today´s  modern world , Yoga is widespread and you can find it in basically every gym, school and neighbourhood, which is totally awesome. In 2007 already, as Yoga began spreading faster than ever around the world, Georg Feuerstein, the most regarded scholar in the West on Yoga and the author of more than 50 books, put together these Ethical Guidelines for Yoga Teachers following below; “Ethical Guidelines for Yoga Teachers by Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D. As an integrated way of life, Yoga includes moral standards (traditionally called “virtues”) that any reasonable human being would find in principle acceptable. Some of these standards, known in Sanskrit as yamas or “disciplines,” are encoded in the first limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path. According to Patanjali’s Yoga-Sûtra, this practice category is composed of the following five virtues: nonharming (ahimsâ ), truthfulness (satya), nonstealing (asteya), chastity (brahmacarya), and greedlessness (aparigraha). In other key scriptures of Yoga, further moral principles are mentioned, including kindness, compassion, generosity, patience, helpfulness, forgiveness, purity, and so on. All these are virtues that we connect with …

Yoga Heemstede

Yoga Workshop @ EVA`Z 21/4

One Body, One Mind Saturday 21/4, 11.00 – 14.00 Warm welcome all yogi´s – from first timers to long timers to this workshop with the theme ”One Body, One Mind”. We will dive in to dissolving the scattered mind through working with the body and the breath as one unit, as well as quieting the mind through meditation and relaxation. Basically – alles komt aan bod 😉 When:  Saturday 21/4 11.00 – 14.00 Where: EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede Investment: EUR 37 :- pp, or EUR 52:- for 2 people (EUR 26:- pp when signing up for 2 ) Benefits: quiet mind, centered body, a sense of well-being Sign up / questions:  / 06-46157019

Friday Flow @ EVA`Z

Friday 20/4, 20.00 – 21.30 The monthly Friday Flow at EVA`Z is back! Warm welcome to join on Friday April 20th at 20.00 for an hour and a half of heavenly flow including a restorative relaxation. The best way possible to float in to the weekend ;-)! Investment: EUR 19:- Sign up / aanmelding: via Cecilia; , 06-46157019 Looking forward to seeing you all on the mat!  

Come join us in Devon this summer!

“Writing Me- Treat” GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF A   ‘WRITING ME-TREAT’ – DEVON, ENGLAND, 7-12 JULY 2018 –   Isn´t time you gave yourself a treat?   Imagine the bliss of waking up and falling asleep to birdsong and the babbling stream, spending time walking in unspoilt lanes and meadows as you learn a little of what many adore about Devon.   Join a small group of other word-lovers on this enchanting five-night retreat, deep in a secret valley that can only be accessed down what I call The Rabbit Hole – a gentle, bowered lane that tumbles down to the clutch of stone cottages around a stream. You get to stay in a room of your own in delightful Barleycorn, Quack or Crownwheel Cottage. This retreat deliberately coincides with the Ways With Words Literary Festival at Dartington Hall and we will make an excursion there. We will also visit the bohemian town of Totnes and, of course, the beach.   This ‘Me-Treat’ is led by much-published author, journalist, poet and mentor, Jo Parfitt, who …

New Yoga lessons

I am totally stoked to annouce two new weekly lessons I will be teaching as of now – second week of March 2018 – at EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede and YogaCentrum Hoofddorp. Tuesdays 18.00 – Dynamic Flow Yoga, EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Thursdays 17.45 – Stress Relief After Work, YogaCentrum Hoofddorp  Both lessons are open to all levels of yogis! Looking forward to seeing you on the mat! Warm welcome! Cia