All posts filed under: Yoga

Yoga Workshop Outdoors, Sat 18/7

Warm welcome to the first workshop of the series of 3 Outdoors Yoga workhops this #stayhome summer in Cruquius, with the theme Balancings. Please, find the information below on all the workshops and do of course feel free to call, message or mail me with any questions or any information request/s. At the gorgeous Outdoors location in Cruquius at Solid Peformance I have the following workshops in the agenda – all levels are welcome, there will be plenty of space for each and every person’s development and focus no matter how many days, weeks, months or years you have or have not been practicing. The space is limited to 12 participants to make sure we are keeping the recommended 1,5 metre distance. Dates, times, information: Saturday 18/7     11.00 – 14.00     (Hand)balancings Saturday 8/8       11.00 – 14.00     Backbends Saturday 22/8     11.00 – 14.00     Inversions (incl. head and shoulderstand)   Investment: 1 workshop         EUR   35:- 2 workshops        EUR  60 :- 3 workshops        EUR  80: –   All workshops follow the Vijnana Principles of practice: sitting/mediation, pranayama …

Yoga Outdoors!

Since we are finally allowed to teach live face to face, of course with the 1,5 – 2 metres distance, outdoors there are two weekly outdoors classes at the gorgeous location of Solid Peformance in Cruquius. We’re on a private terrain, with outdoor space in the grass, underneath the trees, in company of birdsong, horses and the occasional visit by the cats. There is space for 12 people with sufficient space between us, at least 2 metres. There’s also private parking space for both cars and bikes. I just love teaching in this space and feel so, so blessed to be able to do just that and welcome you dear yogis. The classes are on Thursday and Sunday mornings. All levels of yogis are welcome, it does not matter if this is your first or 1001st class. Please, do sign up for every class as we have a limited amount of space. There is also a waiting list for the classes that fill up fast. Information for the classes follow here: Thursdays 08.30 – 10.00  …

Livestream yoga Fri 1/5 – Sun 10/5

Dear online LiveStream Yogis, thank you so much for your support since we started in the first week of this so called “intelligent lockdown” here in The Netherlands, 47 days ago. I love being able to connect and see you all online until we can all meet again live for real. It has been 47 crazy days for all of us, for some of us more days than that and for some of us less, depending on where on this globe we are living. I just love seeing you from all the continents of this beautiful earth of ours in the livestream classes, thank you! During these 47 days there’s been a lot of hard work, learning many new things, adjusting your thinking by the day and sometimes even  by the minute. I am sure many of us are experiencing brain fog due to all of this. Including myself. What continues to amaze me is that one session of Yoga Nidra clears a whole week of brain fog. I do this practice myself every Saturday and I …

New! Sunday morning yoga lessons in Cruquius

Dearest yogis and yogis in spe ;-), I am beyond stoked to announce that I will be teaching a weekly yoga lesson starting Sunday Feb 16th at the gorgeous location of Solid Perfomance’s in Cruquius. These lessons are “my own”, meaning they will taught in the traditions I am trained in, Classical and Vijnana Yoga – which is from the times before yoga got split up in to a lot of different names, derived from the classical yoga system as taught by Sri Krishamacharya and passed down by him to B.K.S. Iyengar and Patthabi Jois , both of whom my teacher Orit Sen Gupta was a  student of as well as a student and co teacher of and with Mr. Iyengars senior student Donna Holleman. Anyone of you whom have ever taken a class or a workshop by me will recognize what is taught and how. The classes are 1,5 hours , which is now sometimes considered “old school”, and means that there is sufficient time for every aspect of the yoga practice – breathing, meditation, postures, flow, relaxation – …

Anatomy of Peace – Yoga Workshop

Peace, stillness, quiet, rest, suppleness, ease, “rust”…. Sometimes it feels pretty far away, yet it is something you carry within you all the time. You hold the switch and can actually decide when to switch it on – and off. Once you understand the anatomy of peace, it will be a lot easier to both practice and achieve it. We will look at the anatomy of peace from the perspective of the physical body, from the perspective of the mental body (aka the brain and nervous system), from the perspective of hormones and hormone production, from the perspective of yoga philosophy and quantum physics. All in a language and movements (and rest J), that anyone and everyone can understand – the point being that you can take the knowledge and practices home to easily be put to use in your life from the moment you leave the studio. Warm welcome for this first workshop of this kind. Saturday / Zaterdag 11/5 13.00 – 15.00 EVA’Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede € 37 :- , incl btw, …

Yoga Workshop – “Hello Sunshine”

It’s that time of the year again! Spring! The sun comes out, you feel you want to unfurl out of your winter sleep just like a flower uncurling its petals, reaching for the sun. So, let’s do just that! During this workshop we will get warm from the sun within through working in detail on the sun salutations and its numerous variations, we will learn how to adapt the steps to what fits us individually. And, we will focus on hip and heart openers, both in an active flowing way as well as in a healing, restorative way. All levels of yogi’s welcome! It does not matter if this is your 1sttime with yoga or your 1001st! Saturday 23/3     12.00 – 15.00 EVA’Z Yoga & Pilates Energy exchange € 35 incl. btw, tea and snacks Sign up / more information:   06-46157019  

Yoga, trekking, hiking, midnight sun, Helags Fjällstation, Helags Natinonal Park

Yoga, Hiking and Midnight Sun

It’s an honour to welcome you to our yoga and hiking trips in the pristine, untouched nature of Swedish Southern Lapland at Helags Fjällstation/Mountain Station during the summer of 2019. We have been arranging these trips since 2015 and thoroughly enjoy it. The air, the nature, the mountain, the fresh water you can drink out of the creeks, the colours of the summer flowers and greens, the view of the glacier, the reindeer walking through the Mountain Station, it’s all breathtaking and healing at the same time. No previous experience of hiking or yoga necessary! We will be staying together at the Mountain Station with full board, enjoying two yoga sessions per day during the morning and the evening. There will also be a seminar on the theme “Holistic Health” including nutritional advice during the weekend. We will gather at Emma Britas Cafe in Börtnan Thursday morning for brunch together and an introduction of the program for the weekend. You will be able to make a good picnic from all the food on the buffet …

An Invitation to Practice

Yoga is about finding your inner light, about soaring from within. Soaring on the wings of change, as change is the only constant – in our lives, on this planet, in this universe, in every breath. Yet there is something which is unchanging, which is light, there underneath the layers. I invite you to come practice with me. Come join me on this inner quest, peeling off the layers, revealing the diamond inside.  

Yoga, trekking, hiking, midnight sun, Helags Fjällstation, Helags Natinonal Park

Friday Flow, Re-set & Relax

A monthly event at EVA’Z, by Cecilia A yoga ritual taking you from the buzz of the week in to the weekend. Step by step leaving what needs to be left behind through a balanced yoga flow, ending with a guided relaxation and total re-set. A cleansing and mindful transition for You in to Your weekend. Happening once per month right at EVA’Z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede! Warm welcome! Dates and times: Friday 1/2            20.00 – 21.45 Friday 1/3            20.00 – 21.45 Friday 5/4            20.00 – 21.45 Friday 7/6            20.00 – 21.45 Energy exchange: € 17;50  pp or € 28 :- for two people signing up together Sign up, information : 06-46157019  

Yoga workshop – Ease in to the New Year

Sun 13/1 10.30 – 13.30 Studio Wilhelminapark, Wilhelminapark 28, Haarlem € 35 :- pp or  € 50:-for 2 people ( i.e. € 25 :- pp ) The new year has already started and as I am writing this text on January 2nd I am packing my bags for a week’s yoga retreat by and with my teacher Orit Sen Gupta. It is the 13th year of going to Steyl, just outside Venlo for a weeks immersion, landing and going deep the first week of the new year for me – meeting Vijnana Yoga Teachers from the whole world, some there for the 25th year.  As stoked as I am about going on this retreat for myself, just as stoked I am about teaching this workshop as soon as I am back. Teaching a workshop this close to having attended a retreat means the teachings and the depth from the retreat always flows right through.  So, as I am wishing you all a Warm From Within New Year, I am wishing you a gentle start of the New …