Yoga Workshop Outdoors, Sat 18/7
Warm welcome to the first workshop of the series of 3 Outdoors Yoga workhops this #stayhome summer in Cruquius, with the theme Balancings. Please, find the information below on all the workshops and do of course feel free to call, message or mail me with any questions or any information request/s. At the gorgeous Outdoors location in Cruquius at Solid Peformance I have the following workshops in the agenda – all levels are welcome, there will be plenty of space for each and every person’s development and focus no matter how many days, weeks, months or years you have or have not been practicing. The space is limited to 12 participants to make sure we are keeping the recommended 1,5 metre distance. Dates, times, information: Saturday 18/7 11.00 – 14.00 (Hand)balancings Saturday 8/8 11.00 – 14.00 Backbends Saturday 22/8 11.00 – 14.00 Inversions (incl. head and shoulderstand) Investment: 1 workshop EUR 35:- 2 workshops EUR 60 :- 3 workshops EUR 80: – All workshops follow the Vijnana Principles of practice: sitting/mediation, pranayama …