Author: Cecilia Götherström

Vegan & Paleo “yoghurt”, breakfast recipe

This is hands down the easiest, yummiest, filling and super healthy quick breakfast in the world to make! It takes less than 2 minutes to make! Vegan and Paleo “yoghurt”? Mix: 1 banana ? 1 avocado ? Juice from 1 lime Done! Serve with nuts, seeds, berries and your favourite morning beverage! Who said living a healthy life is complicated eh ?? Enjoy your day!??

Merry Everything and Happy Livestreams

We are getting used to these fast changes of moving outdoors a bit more freely to locking down slightly, then moving again, then locking down totally, moving again, not moving…. Or maybe we are not getting used to it ;-)? Either way, the flow of what we call life has been disrupted, shook up, changed and totally put on its head. All we can do is breathe and ask ourselves what the ancient wisdom teachings are saying, often quoted by many inlcuding one of my teachers Gregg Braden “Is this the best I have to offer in this moment?” Of course that saying goes for what you have to offer yourself as well as the world around you, as they are both interconnected, intertwined. We are not separate from the world around us, neither is it separate from us. Which is why we are being effected by what happens around us. But, it also means that what you do and decide to do with your own energy, your own self, your own being, your own energy …

Sunday 15/11 Livestream Yoga & New Moon Ceremony

Dearest Yogi’s, Thank you for connecting and practicing through Zoom Sunday last week ! It was gorgeous to see so many countries connected again ! This Sunday morning 9.30 am CET LiveStream lesson will stay a weekly class until we are allowed to meet live in the studios again. From then on I will keep teaching a monthly LiveStream class for all of us who internationally connect in these classes and would like to keep connecting as well as keeping a steady home practice. More details on that class will follow. This coming Sunday – November 15th – we have the New Moon coinciding with our practice. So it just seems natural toinclude a small New Moon ceremony or ritual, one that you can use for yourself every New Moon. Nothing large or time consuming, it will be woven in to the class. We will also focus on the postures that have a more “celestial” connection – like the sun salutations, a part of the moon salutations, the balancing postures of Ardha Chandrasana – half moon -, Parivrtta …

Sunday morning Yoga Livestream

Sunday mornings @ 9.30 am CET starting this week Sunday, November 8th, Studio Stark is offering a Livestream Yoga lesson of 75 minutes via Zoom. 9.30 – 10.45. Here in The Netherlands we have entered in to our second Lockdown, and in many other countries the same is or has already happened. Now our yoga practice is more important than ever. To stay healthy. To hold your own space in your own home. To just have a moment to land, breathe and connect with that inner stability you do inhabit. The practice will be recorded for everyone joining – you will receive a link the same day to download the lesson to your own computer so that you can practice again any time you want. If you cannot join the lesson but would like the recording that is possible too, just let me know! Warm welcome to join! Drop me an email on or send a What’s App message on +31 6 46157019 if you would like to join. Quite a few of you have cards …

Yoga Workshop Outdoors, Backbends , Sat 8/8

Close to 3 weeks ago we had the first of  three in The Outdoors Yoga Workshops Summer 2020 Series. It was a gorgeous, gorgeous day and the energy was amazing. I am so grateful for the energy shared, the moments, the practice, and this magic space we have in Cruquius for these workshops and the weekly Sunday morning lessons. Do check the photos from the workshop and some from the regular Sunday morning classes below to get a sense of the energy and atmosphere. And guess what? –  Soon it is workshop time again!! We have two more Outdoors Yoga Workshops on the agenda in August; Aug 8th – backbends Aug 22nd  – inversions (head and shoulderstand) Warm, warm welcome to join one or both of them! The first one up is the backbends workshop; We will build up gently through meditation, pranayama & vayu’s (breathing & aligning) , moving in to a flowing practice preparing us for the backbends. We will spend some time really enjoying and learning all sorts and levels of backbends. And of course …

Yoga Workshop Outdoors, Sat 18/7

Warm welcome to the first workshop of the series of 3 Outdoors Yoga workhops this #stayhome summer in Cruquius, with the theme Balancings. Please, find the information below on all the workshops and do of course feel free to call, message or mail me with any questions or any information request/s. At the gorgeous Outdoors location in Cruquius at Solid Peformance I have the following workshops in the agenda – all levels are welcome, there will be plenty of space for each and every person’s development and focus no matter how many days, weeks, months or years you have or have not been practicing. The space is limited to 12 participants to make sure we are keeping the recommended 1,5 metre distance. Dates, times, information: Saturday 18/7     11.00 – 14.00     (Hand)balancings Saturday 8/8       11.00 – 14.00     Backbends Saturday 22/8     11.00 – 14.00     Inversions (incl. head and shoulderstand)   Investment: 1 workshop         EUR   35:- 2 workshops        EUR  60 :- 3 workshops        EUR  80: –   All workshops follow the Vijnana Principles of practice: sitting/mediation, pranayama …

Yoga Outdoors!

Since we are finally allowed to teach live face to face, of course with the 1,5 – 2 metres distance, outdoors there are two weekly outdoors classes at the gorgeous location of Solid Peformance in Cruquius. We’re on a private terrain, with outdoor space in the grass, underneath the trees, in company of birdsong, horses and the occasional visit by the cats. There is space for 12 people with sufficient space between us, at least 2 metres. There’s also private parking space for both cars and bikes. I just love teaching in this space and feel so, so blessed to be able to do just that and welcome you dear yogis. The classes are on Thursday and Sunday mornings. All levels of yogis are welcome, it does not matter if this is your first or 1001st class. Please, do sign up for every class as we have a limited amount of space. There is also a waiting list for the classes that fill up fast. Information for the classes follow here: Thursdays 08.30 – 10.00  …

Livestream yoga Fri 1/5 – Sun 10/5

Dear online LiveStream Yogis, thank you so much for your support since we started in the first week of this so called “intelligent lockdown” here in The Netherlands, 47 days ago. I love being able to connect and see you all online until we can all meet again live for real. It has been 47 crazy days for all of us, for some of us more days than that and for some of us less, depending on where on this globe we are living. I just love seeing you from all the continents of this beautiful earth of ours in the livestream classes, thank you! During these 47 days there’s been a lot of hard work, learning many new things, adjusting your thinking by the day and sometimes even  by the minute. I am sure many of us are experiencing brain fog due to all of this. Including myself. What continues to amaze me is that one session of Yoga Nidra clears a whole week of brain fog. I do this practice myself every Saturday and I …

New! Sunday morning yoga lessons in Cruquius

Dearest yogis and yogis in spe ;-), I am beyond stoked to announce that I will be teaching a weekly yoga lesson starting Sunday Feb 16th at the gorgeous location of Solid Perfomance’s in Cruquius. These lessons are “my own”, meaning they will taught in the traditions I am trained in, Classical and Vijnana Yoga – which is from the times before yoga got split up in to a lot of different names, derived from the classical yoga system as taught by Sri Krishamacharya and passed down by him to B.K.S. Iyengar and Patthabi Jois , both of whom my teacher Orit Sen Gupta was a  student of as well as a student and co teacher of and with Mr. Iyengars senior student Donna Holleman. Anyone of you whom have ever taken a class or a workshop by me will recognize what is taught and how. The classes are 1,5 hours , which is now sometimes considered “old school”, and means that there is sufficient time for every aspect of the yoga practice – breathing, meditation, postures, flow, relaxation – …


Banana, Date and Walnut Muffins, yum! I made these muffins yesterday for breakfast and filled up the freezer for the week to come. Yet, these are also great next to your coffee, as an office snack, before or after training, anytime actually. I have chosen to go all plantbased, but that does not mean you have to. If you go for the not plant based version just remove the plantbased milk and chia-eggs from the ingredient list below and use 3 eggs. My choice to go entirely plant based is health, animal welfare and environmentally related, all in equal portions. If you would like more information on any of this, don’t hesitate to drop me a message through email! Anyway, let’s bake some muffins! Ingredients: 2 cups of almond flour 2 tsp baking soda Pinch of sea salt 1 tbspn cinnamon 1 cup of dates, pitted and chopped 3 ripe bananas 3 chia-eggs ( 3 tbspns chiaseed +7,5 tbspns water ) 1 dl plant based milk of your choice. I used soymilk yesterday. Tomorrow might …