We are getting used to these fast changes of moving outdoors a bit more freely to locking down slightly, then moving again, then locking down totally, moving again, not moving…. Or maybe we are not getting used to it ;-)? Either way, the flow of what we call life has been disrupted, shook up, changed and totally put on its head. All we can do is breathe and ask ourselves what the ancient wisdom teachings are saying, often quoted by many inlcuding one of my teachers Gregg Braden “Is this the best I have to offer in this moment?” Of course that saying goes for what you have to offer yourself as well as the world around you, as they are both interconnected, intertwined. We are not separate from the world around us, neither is it separate from us. Which is why we are being effected by what happens around us. But, it also means that what you do and decide to do with your own energy, your own self, your own being, your own energy …