Yoga Workshop Outdoors, Backbends , Sat 8/8
Close to 3 weeks ago we had the first of three in The Outdoors Yoga Workshops Summer 2020 Series. It was a gorgeous, gorgeous day and the energy was amazing. I am so grateful for the energy shared, the moments, the practice, and this magic space we have in Cruquius for these workshops and the weekly Sunday morning lessons. Do check the photos from the workshop and some from the regular Sunday morning classes below to get a sense of the energy and atmosphere. And guess what? – Soon it is workshop time again!! We have two more Outdoors Yoga Workshops on the agenda in August; Aug 8th – backbends Aug 22nd – inversions (head and shoulderstand) Warm, warm welcome to join one or both of them! The first one up is the backbends workshop; We will build up gently through meditation, pranayama & vayu’s (breathing & aligning) , moving in to a flowing practice preparing us for the backbends. We will spend some time really enjoying and learning all sorts and levels of backbends. And of course …