Yoga workshop – Ease in to the New Year
Sun 13/1 10.30 – 13.30 Studio Wilhelminapark, Wilhelminapark 28, Haarlem € 35 :- pp or € 50:-for 2 people ( i.e. € 25 :- pp ) The new year has already started and as I am writing this text on January 2nd I am packing my bags for a week’s yoga retreat by and with my teacher Orit Sen Gupta. It is the 13th year of going to Steyl, just outside Venlo for a weeks immersion, landing and going deep the first week of the new year for me – meeting Vijnana Yoga Teachers from the whole world, some there for the 25th year. As stoked as I am about going on this retreat for myself, just as stoked I am about teaching this workshop as soon as I am back. Teaching a workshop this close to having attended a retreat means the teachings and the depth from the retreat always flows right through. So, as I am wishing you all a Warm From Within New Year, I am wishing you a gentle start of the New …