Month: March 2017

Mind Detox

Detox is a word which has become almost as common as the word “Iphone” in our every day lingo. Even though we might not know all the exact down-to-the-nano-particle-of-certain-molecules-or-cells-details-and-functions of neither the word “Detox” nor the word “Iphone” , we are all aware that both words are necessary for our survival ( ? ). Or at least we know that one is – the other we most likely feel like it would be pretty difficult to survive without. Well aware of the fact that Detoxification is the process in our bodies which rids our system of toxins we have become more and more picky about what we put in our mouths, on our skin, the quality of the air which we breathe in and more. But what about the things we let in to our minds through the gateways of our senses? And what about the stuff that comes out of our mouths as we speak? Is the music you are playing, the books, magazines and blogs you are reading, the movies you are watching, the people …

Yoga Workshop ; The Essence Of Balance

Welcome to workshop # 2 this year by Dick Langenberg & Cecilia Götherström. This time around we delve deep in to The Essence Of Balance – physical, mental,  emotional, you name it – through the practice of Vijnana Yoga. We will sit/meditate , we will practice pranayama / breathing exercises and kriya´s / cleansing exercises, we will practice shavasana / guided relaxation at the end and we will move through postures /asanas  a looooooooooot! Balancings on less than two legs, on hands and feet, on two hands, on one hand and a foot, on your head, on your elbows, on maybe even more or less  – it´s all on the menu this workshop. We will learn and use tools to find our own Essence of Balance in any situation life or your body throws at you. And we promise a good time! All levels of yogi´s are warm welcome! C U on the mat! Dick & Cecilia Come join us Sunday, April 2nd, 14.00 – 17.00  in Movement Studio Haarlem You will have two internationally certified …

Cooking and nutrition workshop ; Detox – what is it actually?

When : Saturday 1/4 11.00 – 15.00 Where: Drapeniersstraat, Vijfhoek, Haarlem Detox. Cleansing. Eat Clean. Sugar free. Gluten free. Lactose free. Cruelty free. And so many more words & terms are being thrown around out there in Food & Nutrition Lalaland , all in the same sentences – but do we know what they mean? Do we know how it works, or – more importantly maybe –  if it works? What is ”it” ? If we were to tell you that when it comes to the inital meaning of ”detox” as a word in our modern day vocabulary and the space it is currently inhabiting we would also need to throw in words like Ramadan, Lent, Metal Element, – would that make sense to you? Let´s get down to both the nitti gritti of ”detox” as well as what does and does not work, what is the intended meaning and practice, how and what can & will benefit You, what can you toss out the window and what can you keep once and for all. …


Detox . – What is it actually? Food, nutrition, science and inspiration seminar.

  When : Thursday 30/3 18.00 – 19.30 Where: MICA´s Coffee Bar , Kleine Houtstraat 103, Haarlem Detox. Cleansing. Eat Clean. Sugar free. Gluten free. Lactose free. Cruelty free. And so many more words & terms are being thrown around out there in Food & Nutrition Lalaland , all in the same sentences – but do we know what they mean? Do we know how it works, or – more importantly maybe –  if it works? What is ”it” ? Let´s get down to both the nitti gritti of ”detox” as well as what does and does not work, what is the intended meaning and practice, how and what can & will benefit You, what can you toss out the window and what can you keep once and for all. Plus, allow us to answer any questions you have on not just the subject of Detox but anything nutrition and Yummy Fun And Healthy Living related! Welcome to Yummy, Fun And Healthy Living´s Health Food seminar series! The whole point of this series is that …