Year: 2016

Friday Flow , 1/4

April 1st 2016, 19.00 – 20.30 Eva´z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Welcome to join the bi-monthly Friday Flow lesson at Eva´z Yoga & Pilates in Heemstede on April 1st! In the name of Flow, we move through the practices of ”just sitting”, breathing / pranyama, a series of postures woven together in a holistic way, ending with a deep relaxation/savasana. The focus will lie on experiencing the flow of one moment to the next, or as you could call it from one ”now” to the next ”now” ;-). Warm welcome to all levels of yogi´s! Really looking forward to flowing together! Namasté, Cecilia Limited amount of space available – max 11 participants!

This thing we call ”Life”

  She is looking at me like she is wondering what the heck I am doing all day. Those clear, wise yellow eyes have shifted from the regular look of either curiousity or reaching out to concern. The beautiful thing is that meeting those eyes is all it takes for me to slow down. All it takes for me to rest her head in my two hands, looking in to her soul as she looks in to mine , wondering what the heck I AM doing all day. It is actually not about the doing, as the lists of stuff we need to do to make a living and live comfortably never ends. It is about how we do those things. In my mind, in my world, I was planning tonight´s yoga lesson – after having rushed through dishes, washing and vacuuming – totally focused on the task at hand. In Elsa´s mind I was totally lost. What she saw was a human who just ticked off one thing on the list , moving to …

Yoga, Heemstede, Haarlem

Stability & Clarity / Yoga Workshop 13/3

Sunday 13/3 13.00 – 16.00 Eva´z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede   As we are slowly getting out of the winter sloth – apologies, I meant winter sleep 😉 – with spring becoming more and more present every day , now is the time to focus on Stability and Clarity. The time to clear out the old cobwebs of the mind, to wake up the body in order to prepare for warmer temperatures, to meet the lighter seasons with lustre and energy. Welcome to join this Vijnana Yoga workshop where we will go through all the tools of yoga aiming for just that – Stability and Clarity. All levels of yogis are welcome! Bring a friend if you´d like! – or make new friends during the workshop 😉 ! Looking forward to welcoming you at Eva´z! Investment EUR 35 :- Limited amount of space, max 10 participants. Inquieries and signing up: / 06-46157019